We know you see us.
We’re plastering Shop Small stickers all over the place, hanging up signs in windows promoting Small Business Saturday and posting about it on social media. BUT do you know WHY we promote shopping small and spending money locally this time of year? 2020 has been a DIFFICULT year for everyone but especially for those businesses who have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Here are a FEW reasons we think you should Shop Small this year…
- Small Businesses give back BIG to the community. When you support a local business, you’re also supporting your town, city, and neighborhood. Preston businesses pay sales taxes to the City of Preston and Fillmore County. That tax money is used to support public schools, parks, roads, and sidewalks, as well as fund public service workers. If you go to a big box store in a larger city, that isn’t going to help Preston out. #PrestonPride
- Small Businesses in Preston are KEY to our success and future growth. We’ve been talking about adding housing units to Preston and working on workforce BUT if we don’t keep small businesses open, we wont grow. People want to live and play where business is. Imagine where we would be without our small businesses! We wouldn’t exist. Lets keep their doors open and continue to add new ones to our main street by supporting local.
- You’re not just a number when you shop small! Get exclusive customer service at our small town shops. People remember you. They know your name. And they want to help you. The customer service extends far beyond the initial smile when you walk in the store/shop. And this year, our businesses are showing up BIG by accommodating everyone with curbside, delivery and other creative ways to get you the goods you want/need.
- Help create a sense of community. You’re much more likely to get to know a small business owner in your neighborhood. People in bigger cities who have lived in small town definitely appreciate and miss that sense of community that we have in our small towns like Preston.
- Your going to feel GOOD. When you shop small you know you’re supporting a mom and dad sending their child to school or helping that single dad not only support himself but his kids. You can see the faces you’re supporting. And it feels GOOD. You can help write the hero stories about how small towns worked together to survive an epidemic.
We’re not asking much when we say shop local.
We hope you’ll shop locally year-round, as well as on Small Business Saturday on November 28, and when you’re visiting those businesses, make sure to thank the owner for keeping his or her doors open. It would have been much easier for them to quit after the year they’ve had. But they haven’t. They are adapting and keeping their doors open while following their dreams.
After all, small businesses are what built America, one neighborhood at a time.